God's gifts from a triple dog dare
Jotting down God's gifted moments from the last few days...
- Adrianna making paper chains all by herself
- Abel's game of trying to remember the names of everyone on our fridge
- "Mommy, hat!"
- My little muffin helpers
- Having the sweetest Bible study alone while Scott took the kids to Sunday School
- Taking three dogs and Abel on a walk (I have a feeling a few people might have chuckled as we went by)
- Adrianna's fruit that looked like a bear
- Making an "oogly eye" with Gears with Adrianna
- Adrianna filling all the mini cupcakes as we made gluten-free ones for her to share with her class
- Sharing one of my favorite passages from Job with Adrianna, and her responding, "That makes you want to go out and look at nature."
- Playing Memory with Adrianna... Game night as her idea of a reward for getting ready for bed quickly
...And Abel playing with the blocks we gave him without disturbing the game
- Emptying the dishwasher before there were dirty dishes to fill it with
- My mixer
- Demonstrating what Adrianna's memory verse meant with measuring cups and beans (Luke 6:38)
- A little boy's fun at the park
- "Mommy, baconS!"
- Adrianna's tomato harvest from our one tomato plant
- Getting to make a school lunch like this... and knowing that it is all Adrianna's favorite foods
- Wildflowers after drought
- A flock of birds swooping out from the trees behind me
- Getting to walk "my" trails
- Adrianna making paper chains all by herself
- Abel's game of trying to remember the names of everyone on our fridge
- "Mommy, hat!"
- My little muffin helpers
- Having the sweetest Bible study alone while Scott took the kids to Sunday School
- Taking three dogs and Abel on a walk (I have a feeling a few people might have chuckled as we went by)
- Adrianna's fruit that looked like a bear
- Making an "oogly eye" with Gears with Adrianna
- Adrianna filling all the mini cupcakes as we made gluten-free ones for her to share with her class
- Sharing one of my favorite passages from Job with Adrianna, and her responding, "That makes you want to go out and look at nature."
- Playing Memory with Adrianna... Game night as her idea of a reward for getting ready for bed quickly
- Emptying the dishwasher before there were dirty dishes to fill it with
- My mixer
- Demonstrating what Adrianna's memory verse meant with measuring cups and beans (Luke 6:38)
- A little boy's fun at the park
- "Mommy, baconS!"
- Adrianna's tomato harvest from our one tomato plant
- Getting to make a school lunch like this... and knowing that it is all Adrianna's favorite foods
- Wildflowers after drought
- A flock of birds swooping out from the trees behind me
- Getting to walk "my" trails