God's gifts from Kindergarten completion

Catching up from the last two weeks, as Adrianna finished Kindergarten and we enjoyed our first two weeks of summer vacation...

- Adrianna starting "summer lessons"
... and her being excited about the journal topics and lesson ideas we put together
 - Adrianna making thank you notes for her teachers
... and Adrianna thanking her teacher for helping Adrianna learn to spell
 - Attending Adrianna's Kindergarten Revue

- A rare morning home with just Abel, Scott, and me, as Adrianna finished her last day
... And watching a few minutes of Sesame Street with Abel for the first time
... And him realizing, "I have Elmo in my room!"
 - The last day of Kindergarten

- Adrianna reading me the Skippy John Jones book her teacher gave her
- Attending Adrianna's piano recital
... And her walking up calm as can be, the first student to be called
 - Spending a morning at Farmer's Market and lunch out (a rarity for us with the food allergies)
 - The kids keeping busy on the climbing rock while Scott and I shopped for shoes
 - Adrianna writing Scott a letter in her journal during bed time
 - Adrianna blowing bubbles they had given her at her last Sunday School
- Sorting through Adrianna's Kindergarten and preschool crafts, to decide which to keep
- Adrianna putting together the toys we found behind Abel's bed
... And her making up a story about them
- Family game night
- Abel's crazy infatuation with electronics
- Abel giving Adrianna's shoes a ride on his trailer
- Scott showing Adrianna how to play Pictionary
 - Pulling out toys from the garage

 - Sculpey play time
 ... And Adrianna making a whole tiny tea set (and them all breaking as we pretended with them)
- Scott and Steve doing our fix-it projects
- Trying out the new handed-down train set
 - Adrianna feeding baby Matthew
- Adrianna and Abel finding all the backyard toys they haven't played with in a while
 - Abel's crazy running parade with the piano
- Adrianna examining specimen in the backyard
 - Adrianna trying on Abel's shoes (they fit!)
- Matthew watching Abel play
 - Adrianna and Abel playing so nicely while I took a shower
... Adrianna determining to make a tunnel for the train, and her figuring out how to do it all on her own
- Taking the kids to the dollar store
... And Adrianna spending some allowance money
... And asking Abel what one thing he would like: "Silly String, a set of dinosaurs..." And him responding "Silly String!!" even though he had no idea what it was

 - Playing a game from Aunt Margaret with Adrianna while enjoying kale chips made with kale from our garden

- Celebrating being a couple with Scott for 15 years

 - Setting out on an all-day excursion to the Amish auction
... And Adrianna using her dollar store purchase to make labels for everyone and everything

- My in-laws bringing their RV so that we had a place to eat and play during the auction
- The thrill of the hunt

- Adrianna being content to just listen to books on CD the entire (almost 3-hour) drive home
 ... And Abel playing with his music machine the entire drive home
 - Adrianna creating a game using the cones I bought for VBS

- Going to Abel's buddy, Judah's, birthday party 
 - Adrianna getting creative with the Lincoln Logs
 - Abel explaining all of the pictures of himself

 - Adriana making another newspaper for our street
 ... And Jenny coming to join in the fun
- Abel's train pulls
- Finding Adrianna reading on the couch
- More Sculpey time
... And Abel's involving a tractor (of course!)
 - The kids doing tractor work with Grandpa while I went to an appointment
 - Having a flare-up of my sciatic nerve (hard thanks)
... and working with an acupuncturist to try to find some relief

- Adrianna writing to our Compassion sponsored child

- Scott showing Abel how to play the game he had been wanting to play
- Adrianna's craft projects taking over
 - Abel's play with the kitchen involving a stick (of course!)
 - Adrianna and Abel playing drop the stick through the hole game
... and Abel laughing every time Adrianna sent it back up
- Finding an egg from my in-laws' chickens that "cracked" me up!
- Waiting with Abel for Adrianna's piano lesson
... and him singing "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" in the mirror to himself
- More of Adrianna's craft projects
- Abel giving his L.E. piggy back rides
- That sweet face


Evan said…
Looks like lots of summer fun!!! Can we borrow some of your sunny weather? Nothing but rain here-and yesterday sleet :( Maybe we will drop in for a visit unannounced-HA I wish!!! Hugs for you all!
So many delightful memories!!! You always do a beautiful job capturing these sweet moments, you truly inspire me ! So well done! The tractor pic is precious beyond words -- LOVE!! :)

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