
Showing posts from October, 2013

Progress and Prayer

We received great news last week that the paperwork for our new daughter waiting for us in Uganda was completed!  We received more exciting news when our affidavit for Uganda arrived via email Friday morning.  We rushed to put our papers together, we notarized our signatures, and we sent it back on it's way via Fed Ex to Uganda. And now we wait for a court date!  Humanly speaking, we are looking at a court date in January, most likely.  There are usually several judges working on adoption cases in Uganda, but currently, most of them are out of the court.  But, at the beginning of October, God put it on my heart to pray for a November court date.  And so we've prayed.  We've asked all our friends to join us in asking God for a miracle.  Yes, we trust His perfect timing for whenever He would have us go.  But, He also lets us know that we can ask Him for the things we need ( James 4:2-4 ).  And we need a court date so that we can bring our daughter home. Here's a vers
We're still here!  We've been going through family adjustments, bouts with ear infections and allergies, starting a new school year,  and raising funds for our third adoption.  God's been good -- as always -- and we're grateful for His answers to prayers, His provision, and His strength. Here are pictures from our trip to my dad and Debbie's condo last weekend.  It was such a beautiful time for our family to get a little rest and relaxation.