Driving on

After eleven years and 127,000 miles, Scott's Saturn has driven on.  That amazing little economical Saturn saw us through life in the college dorms, life in married student housing, our first apartment, our first home, our first relocation, and the addition of our two kids.  

We're happy to say it ended up in good hands, with my cousin, Angei, and her husband, Adam.  We had a wonderful time visiting with them for a speedy 12 hours, before they needed to drive it on to its new home.  We even got to show them some small town fun at our annual Christmas parade.

Thank you for the loyal service, Saturn.


The Chesnut's said…
Cool! Always nice to know where your car is going and that they will take care of it! But I want to see photos of Scott's new orange car! Send me some when you can!
Scott Wallin said…
The new car is "liquid copper" color, not to be confused with orange, and especially not heinous orange. :)
Anonymous said…
Too late now, BUT you could have placed the house plant in the trunk so 2 no longer needed items could drive off into the sunset together.

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