Columbus day weekend

After packing and preparing for two hours last Thursday night, another four hours Friday morning, and enjoying a six-and-a-half hour car trip with two kids under five, I always wonder... Is time away really worth it??

When I arrive at my dad's condo in the Colorado mountains, and instantly realize there are no dishes to clean, no dusting, no cleaning, no laundry, no home-owner projects, and so forth, it suddenly feels worth the immense effort that it took to get there.

We enjoyed two-and-a-half days in Colorado, where two of the days were overcast, with spitting snow.  Abel had trouble sleeping and Rusty had trouble itching (allergies), but still -- no dishes, no dusting, no cleaning, etc.!  So, while I can't say I want to make the trip every month, when we do make it, we always enjoy it.

Some of our highlights this time included a visit from my mom and Richard.  We shopped our way through Breckenridge, stopping mostly at kid-related stores, and enjoying lunch at a French restaurant.  My mom, Adrianna and I fell in love with a boutique called Magical Scraps.  (If you want to see fun shabby-chic women's and children's clothes, check out their website: Magical Scraps or their Etsy page at Magical Scraps Etsy.)  (In fact, they so inspired me, my next post will include my inspired project.)

We continued our fun-filled day with a visit with my dad and Debbie.  The kids enjoyed the club's pool with their grandparents (and of course, Scott and me, too), and we tried out a local restaurant, where Adrianna won a hand of Uno while we waited for our food.  The kids liked having Grandpa and Grandma read them their bedtime stories, too.

On Sunday, Scott and I dragged the kids through the outlet mall, where we had fun times relieving Gap Outlet of their affordable kids' clothing.  (Gotta love a backpack for Adrianna for Kindergarten, including a matching lunchbox, for a mere $8!)

To top off the enjoyment, we saw some beautiful sites on the drive and throughout our weekend.  And the kids played at the wondrously fun park by the condo.


Evan said…
Man he is growing up so fast!! Looks like you all are having a great time! Sweet A looks so cute in her hat. Miss you guys!!!!!

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