Waiting no longer

Our nephew, Kevin, has been in town, staying with my in-laws, so we have been packing in the fun around here...

Adrianna and Kevin have been enjoying playing games together.

Abel's been learning to use the new tricycle at Grandma's house.

Adrianna has been harvesting Grandma and Grandpa's vegetable garden (and of course, enjoying the spoils!).

Adrianna's been continuing her crafts.  These were her Chick-fil-a paint-a-cow-contest cows.  She planned out how she wanted them to look on a drawing, before painting them, decorating them with stickers, and attaching capes to their backs.  Then, instead of entering them into the contest, she gave them to her neighbor friend, Jenny.  Her generosity always inspires me.

On Saturday, we all went to the town's rodeo parade.  Just our luck, Scott found the perfect hat for Adrianna at a garage sale before the parade.

We enjoyed a hot dog lunch after going through the arts and crafts fair.

And Scott and Adrianna and Kevin took a ride in the pond on a raft....

 While Abel caught a little nap.

We have been cramming in the days full of activities, so by this morning, when we took Kevin swimming at our pool, Adrianna fell to pieces.  We gave her an early bedtime tonight, and hopefully, she will be ready for her preschool orientation tomorrow.  (Not sure that I will be, though!)

We have had our boy for nearly two months now, and I feel like I am still dreaming.  Our boy is home!  The one we waited for for two years -- since before he was even born.  I just realized something... when we started this process, his birth mother was just pregnant with him.  Another of God's puzzle pieces to his story!

I am so glad to be on this side of the wait.  I never believed that the wait would melt away, as the adoptive parents who have gone before me said that it would.  I do, however, attest that the wait is gone.  It is such a distant memory, replaced with the cuddles of my boy.

Praise be to God.  My boy is home and my cup overflows.


Evan said…
Hi Guys! Abel I love your haircut! Finn's hair is coming in so fast I can't believe it! I totally feel the same way about all the waiting that seems now like it almost didn't even happen. I feel like Finn has always been with us-like I birthed him. Looks like you are having a fun summer-we miss you all-hugs all around!
Fishy_Fam said…
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