Life's fleeting breath

Yesterday, we got word that our neighbor Julie, who battled a brain tumor for over a year, passed away. My heart is so heavy for her family as they face the rest of their lives without her. Julie left behind a husband, and two boys (age 7 and 4). Julie's youngest son was born just a few weeks after Adrianna.

Dozens (maybe even hundreds) of people have been praying for a miracle for Julie. I do not know why she was not healed, but I know that God's heart hurts even more than mine does for this family in mourning.

We are so blessed to live in a country where it is not typical for a person to die in her thirties. There are many places in the world where this is an average life expectancy.

Gracious heavenly Father, heal the broken hearts of this family, as they mourn for their wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.


The Chesnut's said…
I am so sorry to hear this. Know my thoughts and prayers are not only with their family, but with your community and friends. We have prayed for them almost every night. Will is going to be heartbroken.
J.E.Oppenheim said…
Em, I'm so sorry about your friend and neighbor! I'm praying for you all right now for God's deep comfort to surround the family in the midst of their grief. And for you as their friend and support, for the impact on Adrianna, etc. May our loving, compassionate Father shower you all with his presence.

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