Catching fish

For the Columbus Day holiday, Scott's dad suggested we could all take Adrianna fishing. We bought her a kid's fishing pole at a rummage sale a few weeks ago, and since then, she's been asking her grandpa to take her fishing. It's pretty difficult to refuse those deep, blue eyes and sweet, small voice. I guess Grandpa Steve couldn't resist anymore.

And so, on Monday, between Scott's parents and us, we packed enough stuff for a week-long get-away, and set off into the mountains for a hatchery where Scott had gone fishing as a boy. The hatchery only allows kids 12 and under to fish, and you can look right into the little lake, and see the big fish just waiting to be caught.

As you can imagine, success came pretty quickly! After the first fish got away, Adrianna and Scott successfully caught another beauty.

After Adrianna experienced her success, we packed up and headed to the lake down the road, where Scott and Steve were allowed to fish. On a whim, we drove past the lake, and found the stream -- with beaver dams -- that flowed from the lake. A stream and the quiet surrounds of a beautiful, deserted, wooded campground seemed much more appealing to all of us, than the lake surrounded by fishermen. We spent a lovely fall afternoon, soaking in some the last warmth of the season, with Adrianna exploring the wild, while Scott and Steve enjoyed catching a few more fish.

One of the best parts of the experience was when Adrianna and Steve prepared the fish the next night, Steve fried it up, and Adrianna ate it without complaining. I think she might have even liked it!


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