My fruit overfloweth

One of the blessings of living in our small town in NM is that fresh produce abounds here. Apparently many fruit trees love this climate (pears, apples, peaches, plums, apricots). And people take the time to grow vegetables in their gardens. And after they grow them, they share -- with coworkers, neighbors, friends. We have gotten fresh fruits and veggies from all these places, and it feels so community-like.

Enjoying the produce of the land feels like taking a step towards the simplicity of life. It sure it easy to see God's hand in creation when it is my hand picking the peach from the tree. I sure do not want to let any of it just spoil, when I see the labor my friends put in to the cultivating.

God knew how my heart longed for connection to a community, and I am so grateful that He brought us here.


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