God's kindness

It might not look like much now. But hopefully within a couple of weeks, this will look like genuine wainscoting in the formerly peach bedroom.

It might look just like wainscoting, but I know when I see it, I will see God's kindness to us -- His overflowing generosity to those so undeserving. You see, Scott and I priced out wainscoting for our new child's room. We discovered it might cost over $300. For a room that our child might enjoy for a year (since we're hoping to move), that seemed too great a price to pay.

We spent an hour in Lowe's on Saturday, with a child repeating, "Can we leave this store now??" Scott and I grew frustrated with each other, each having differing options about how much was too much to spend on the room. Exhausted, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and heard the still, small Voice say, "Go to Home Depot." "Um, Scott," I started, "Why don't we try Home Depot?"

We headed a mile down the road, went into Home Depot, and found an incredible vinyl wainscoting that had been $20 a package, marked down to $5. We needed 15 packages, and how many should be there, but 16 (we took the extra one, too). Not only that, but the matching floor boards and trim were there -- also on sale -- and there were enough of those, also.

And that's why, when I see this wainscoting, all I is God's kindness. Wainscoting was by no means a necessity for our new child's room. But God is so generous. I'm just blown away that He cares so much for His children.


How beautiful!! That's an awesome story to be able to have in the baby book too! :) God is SO good!

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