The end of the worm?

I've been hesitant to report on the ring worm, but I would like to do so now... Though Scott was skeptical on several occasions, and requested vet visits a few times, I asked him if we could hold off and use prayer and Head & Shoulders to get Rusty better. And... I think he is! Rusty and I had fun times of bonding in the shower -- him shivering, and me holding him in, praying over him, scrubbing shampoo into him, and leaving it on for five minutes. I decided on this tactic because all the sprays and creams I usually use on my ringworm would be harmful to him if he ingested them (and how can you keep a dog from licking himself?!).

Because God says He cares for the sparrow of the field, I know He cares for Rusty (and his ringworm), and my desire to not spend needless money at a vet's office. I am so grateful for His healing of Rusty, and I pray for no recurrences!

...In other news, we're still working on the new kid's room. Some wainscoting made it onto the walls today! I am really pleased with how it is turning out. During Adrianna's nap time (in which she didn't take a nap!), Scott and Steve stopped the process (too loud), so I spent an hour and a half touching up the painting on the walls and ceiling. A pain in the neck! That's what I ended up with, and still not straight lines between the wall and ceiling (definitely should have taped that off the first time!).

Adrianna and I spent the morning at our town's aquatic center for "Warm Water Weekend," with a friend and her daughter. The water was warmish, but fun was had by all. Whoever thought about putting one of the jumpy things in the water had a good idea! And where else do kids get to ride on a raft in a giant pool? Wish I had pictures, but alas, I cannot take pictures and hold onto my child simultaneously.

To add a cute Anna-ism before I forget it, we pulled up to our coffee shop to get dinner tonight. Adrianna said, "Oh, this is the one with the toy aisle!" (It's really a toy corner, but who's going to correct something so cute?!)


A. said…
Ya! We just went through a similar thing with Murphy. Oh! And the paint...if it makes you feel any better, the line between wall/ceiling may not be completely straight, but often, if you tape it off, when you pull the tape off, it also pulls some paint off. And then you have to sand AND repaint. I think it might be the Quakers always leave some little imperfection in their work (a quilt square out of symmetry, a tile turned the wrong way, etc.) because they believe to do it perfectly would be saying you are on the same level as God. :) So live up the crookedness!!!

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