Peach progress

When we bought the paint for the peach room a few days ago, Adrianna was so excited, she came running inside, saying, "When are we going to paint?!" I wish I shared her enthusiasm for the process!

But I am happy to report that the peach room is mostly not peach anymore! On Wednesday, I painted the ceiling and primed the walls (with some help from a cute little painter). I'm still paying the price of ceiling painting with my neck and shoulders, but it is a price I'm more willing to pay than a painter!

I realized I've been frustrated about our house projects because I know they are all only for our temporary enjoyment. We moved into this house with the intention to stay only a few years (to move to the school zone where Adrianna can attend the school Scott attended). And so, with each project we complete, we have to consider how to make our house desirable for the next people here. I finally admitted to myself that I don't like that! It isn't motivating to me and I don't enjoy feeling as if I'm in interim. Now that I have admitted that to myself, I will try to choose contentment instead of turmoil.


You Go Girls!! :) How fun that you can make it a family project and get Anna involved as well!

What a great outlook and perspective too that you are wanting to have. That's a great goal no matter where we've been place in life. Bloom where you're planted!

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