Trip journal - Coming home
Sunday, June 27, (wow, one month ago already) was our final day in Ethiopia. With just one other family and ourselves at the guest house, the place was eerily quiet. We arranged for the driver to take us to the international church nearby for the morning worship service. The church facility was amazingly modern, and we were greeted by pastoral staff and church members who spoke perfect English. One of the pastors knowingly asked how long our "pregnancy" was, and many doted on Abel. The entire service was in English, with people from all over the world in attendance. The song leader was from New Zealand and the pastoral staff was even from several different countries. The most beautiful part at the service was the music. We sang songs we knew, but that wasn't the best part. Praising God with His body from throughout the world, singing that we would, "Shout to the east and the west..." that "Jesus is Savior to all, Lord of heaven and earth," wa...